HTML | Useful HTML Tricks

HTML | Useful HTML Tricks


2 min read

HTML has a lot of secrets that might come in handy. Am writing some of them below.

This is the list of tags and attributes that are useful:

  1. Progress Tag <progress>

  2. Meter Tag <meter>

  3. Contenteditable attribute

  4. Input suggestions

  5. noscript tag <noscript>

Progress Tag

The <progress> tag represents the progress of a task/work.

Example 1:

<progress value="63" max="100">

Example 2:
If you do not give a value or max number it will animate automatically you can use this as a loader component :-).

<progress />

Meter Tag

<meter> tag can be used to measure the data within a given range (gauge).


<meter value="9" min="0" max="10">9 out of 10</meter>
<meter value="0.3>30%</meter>

Contenteditable attribute

This attribute adds editable features to content tags like <p>, <h1> etc. So simple right?


<p contenteditable="true">This is an editable paragraph.</p>
<h1 contenteditable="true">This is an editable heading.</h1>

Input suggestions

Commonly, we have seen, that there is an input field that provides an autocomplete feature either by typing the specific keyword or by seeing a drop-down list from list of options while filling up the form. This feature can be created & used using the HTML <datalist> tag in the form. The <datalist>tag is used to provide an autocomplete feature in the HTML files.


<input type="text" list="flowers">
<datalist id="flowers">
    <option value="Calla Lily"></option>
    <option value="Daisy"></option>
    <option value="Lotus"></option>
    <option value="Sun flower"></option>
    <option value="Orchid"></option>
    <option value="Tulip"></option>
    <option value="Rose"></option>
    <option value="Peony"></option>

noscript tag

The HTML <noscript>tag defines alternate HTML to be inserted if a script type is not supported or if the browser has disabled scripting. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <noscript>element.


<noscript><h1>JavaScript is disabled in your browser</h1></noscript>

This is it for now. I will post some more soon. If you have any useful tags and attributes which helpful like this please add it in the comments.

I hope this article helps you to utilize these tags and attributes to solve the simple issues in your web application.

Thanks for the read. Cheers!!!.

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